

Our team can repair your damaged container doors in our workshops, which are certified by the French civil aviation authority. Our trained and qualified teams repair your container doors, ensuring they are airworthy again, as per the recommendations of the various manufacturers. 

In order to ensure full and efficient traceability, our teams record all repair data in our on-line systems. This data is stored on our secure servers, thus guaranteeing that all records are available for customer requests.

We can repair your damaged cargo nets in our workshops, which are certified by the French civil aviation authority. Our trained and qualified teams repair your nets, ensuring they are airworthy again, as per the recommendations of the various manufacturers.

In order to ensure full and efficient traceability, our teams record all repair data in our on-line systems. This data is stored on our secure servers, thus guaranteeing that all records are available for customer requests.

Recycling of Nets

Aware of the growing need for all companies to play a role in reducing their environmental impact, AeroNet offers you a recycling service. We offer to organise and set up a recycling programme for all your nets, straps and slings that are out of date or for which repair is no longer cost-effective.

Our process involves separating metal parts and polyester, so that each material is treated and transformed for recycling. We process metal parts and textile separately in different procedures, so that they can be reintroduced in their respective industries at the end of the programme.

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